Shared Apprenticeship Skills Checksheet, v1.1

APPRENTICE NAME _________________________

MENTOR NAME _____________________________

APPRENTICE START DATE ___________________

Print out this skills sheet, and use it to guide the general studies of your Vokal apprenticeship. Have your mentor sign off by placing their initials next to each item. Sign-offs can involve pair-programming, verbal Q&A, observation on a project, or any other means.

Make sure to also print out the discipline-appropriate skills checklist:

Bullet points are suggestions of material to cover in a sign-off, along with any relevant reading material or tutorials for particular items. Example assignments are available in the Labs.

All Engineering Apprentices

Both QA and Software engineer apprentices of all disciplines should complete this section:

_____ Agile philosophies and the Vokal Workflow

_____ Google Apps

_____ Git

Useful reading:

All Software Engineering Apprentices

All Software engineers must complete this section, regardless of discipline.

_____ HTTP

Useful reading:

_____ General Object-Oriented Concepts

Useful reading:

_____ General Style and Documentation

_____ Data serialization


_____ Data modeling

Useful Reading:

I hereby certify that the above named apprentice has completed all shared skill requirements for the Vokal Apprenticeship program.

Your Department:_________________________________

Department Head Name:____________________________

Department Head Signature:_______________________

Completion Date:_________________________________